Lifelong Learning, the comparative advantage of “Asklipios SA, Psychiatric Clinic of Veria”

Lifelong Learning, the comparative advantage of “Asklipios SA, Psychiatric Clinic of Veria”

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 12 November 2019
Investing in the staff for the provision of high quality services, the Psychiatric Clinic of Veria “Asklipios SA”, is a model unit for our region in the field of mental health, having managed to offer for many years high quality care services. A healthcare company that invests in its staff, in the continuous improvement of its human resources and all the health professionals who work in the clinic and give their best every day (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, nurses, pharmacists and doctors), through continuous in order to meet the increased needs of people in the local community for care.

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And the Management of Asklipios SA, Psychiatric Clinic of Veria proved it once again, organizing for two consecutive weekends training seminars on “Customer Service – Communication – Management of objections and complaints”, in collaboration with “Alpha Plan Consultants”, a renowned company that specializes in modern training and human resource development programs.

The goal of the Administration and the staff of the Clinic is the continuous improvement of the quality of the offered care services and the provision of high level medical services, that meet the high demands of the patients and their relatives. The Administration of Asklipios SA, Psychiatric Clinic of Veria thanks Alpha Plan Consultants and Mr. Alexiadis Kleovoulos for the excellent organization of the seminars, as well as all those present for their participation and interest.

At the end of the seminar, there was a buffet for all those present, while the participants were given certificates of attendance.


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