The Psychiatric Clinic of Veria “Asklipios SA”, is a model for our region unit in the field of mental health, having managed to offer for many years high quality care services, while ensuring the comfortable and safe living of its patients, while all services are provided by a leading medical and nursing team. One of the services of the “Asklipios SA” Psychiatric Clinic of Veria is Occupational Therapy, which contributes significantly to the maintenance of mental and physical health, as well as to the treatment of the consequences of the disease.

At “Asklipios SA, Psychiatric Clinic of Veria” the occupational therapist of the clinic evaluates each patient, using weighted occupational therapy evaluations and creates an individualized treatment plan according to the needs and difficulties of each patient.
What is Occupational Therapy? It is called the specialty where the human work, which has meaning and purpose for man, helps and contributes decisively to the maintenance of mental and physical health, as well as to the treatment of the consequences of the disease. An occupational therapist helps people of all ages who have physical or mental disabilities to increase and maximize their daily functioning through human work, to develop their skills, to maintain them, to prevent their loss in order to make the individual autonomous to participate in the activities. The occupational therapist stands with sensitivity and interest over the patient in order to mobilize him, to learn his needs, to support and encourage him, to be involved in the treatment process aiming at the quality of life.
The Occupational Therapy team of “Asklipios SA, Psychiatric Clinic of Veria” operates:
- Hygiene and self-care groups, which include activities of learning clothing and clothing, training in hand washing, making drinks in the open air of the clinic in the autumn, spring and summer months.
- Creative employment groups (Painting, collage constructions, plaster, clay, seasonal objects, etc.). These groups help the patient to express his creativity by using various materials

- Mental empowerment groups, through these groups patients practice memory, attention, word retrieval and expression of emotions but also the empowerment of their mental level.

- Text and magazine reading groups, patients have the opportunity to discuss and learn current news and discuss with each other, exchanging views and ideas. ‘Asklipios Therapeutic Center’ collaborates with the Public Library of Veria and is an active member with meetings in both the clinic and the library.

- Film screening and documentary groups, where patients have the opportunity to watch Greek films and documentaries that interest them.

- Social interaction activities in the community, where 3 times a week, accompanied by an occupational therapist, a group of patients drink their coffee in a neighborhood cafe.

- Recreational activities with board games and boards, where patients are divided into groups and through collaboration share their knowledge by solving puzzles and answering questions in various categories expand their knowledge.

At “Asklipios SA, Psychiatric Clinic of Veria” the occupational therapy department has the opportunity to transfer its activities to the open and safe area of the clinic. There, patients follow their program of activities outside the clinic that offers them the opportunity to enjoy nature, fresh air and beautiful days accompanied by coffee.
Yours sincerely,
Vassiliou Fani – Maria, Occupational Therapist at “Asklipios SA, Psychiatric Clinic of Veria”