LEGO Serious Play Labs at Asklipios SA, Psychiatric Clinic of Veria

LEGO Serious Play Labs at Asklipios SA, Psychiatric Clinic of Veria

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 1 June 2020
In order to create high performance teams

The Psychiatric Clinic of Veria “Asklipios SA”, in collaboration with the company “Individual – Team – System”, bring for the first time in Greece the LEGO Serious Play methodology, adapted to small and medium enterprises for ALL employees. The cost of the seminar was fully covered by the administration of “Asklipios Therapeutic Center” for the employees, in the context of the continuous improvement of its human resources and all health professionals who work in the clinic and give their best every day through continuous training, in order to meet the increased needs of people in the local community for care.

2 workshops of 4 hours each were held, with the method of LEGO Serious Play.

The first was held with the management of the clinic in order to communicate among the executives the common VISION of the clinic and to explore the VALUES that will promote.

The second was carried out with the ENTIRE staff of the clinic on “Supporting Behaviors and Basic Guiding Principles” with the aim of transmitting the key VALUES that promote the VISION of the clinic.

The Lego serious play (LSP) methodology has been used by companies such as Google, Nokia and most of the Fortune 500 companies. The results of the Lego serious play (LSP) method are spectacular mainly in areas such as team building, problem solving and improving the decision-making process.

What is LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP)?

At LEGO® Serious Play® workshops, certified LSP facilitators undertake to coordinate experiential exercises using LEGO® bricks, helping individuals and groups to think differently than usual and to communicate more effectively and effectively.


In LSP workshops, participants, working in groups and using LEGO bricks, turn their ideas into concrete constructions, give a three-dimensional representation of the professional problems and challenges they face, suggest ideas and discuss them with the group. During the Lego serious play seminar, all participants contribute to ideas, knowledge, with confidence and teamwork. The process unleashes the creativity, ways of thinking and perspectives that most adults have forgotten to have!

This process unleashes the inherent and original creativity that most adults unfortunately do not remember having, illuminates perspectives that have hitherto gone unnoticed through conventional approaches and helps people and groups think in a unique way in a team spirit. cooperation and trust, brainstorming and decision making.

In a unique way it helps individuals and groups to think differently from the usual way. He is enrolled in the Harvard Executive MBA program and the AOP MBA program.

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The results of the LSP method are spectacular, mainly for creating teamwork, solving professional problems, eliminating strong disagreements and conflicts, increasing the efficiency of meetings and projects, improving the process of decision-making and negotiation.

“You can find out more about a person in 1 hour of play than in 1 year of conversation.”


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Through this process, the common VALUES emerged that govern the daily life of employees to achieve a common VISION.

These VALUES are: cooperation, respect, camaraderie, humanity, care, hope, understanding, security and teamwork.

Also through the workshop we discovered that many participants identify with each other (eg using the same LEGO pieces in their constructions) and this helps in teambuilding.

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Finally, the organizers of the workshop were very impressed by how hospitable and caring the environment of the clinic was. Of course, this is also evident through the group’s responses to care and how important it is for everyone to offer it daily. As important as the care for the patients who are hosted in the area is just as important is the care for the employees through the benefits of the executives to them.

This definitely helps to coordinate everyone towards a common vision that is nothing more than a state-of-the-art clinic with new technological medical equipment and pleasant human resources that will provide specialized health services for all people with a focus on human beings.

See photos of the event


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Εργαστήρια LEGO Serious Play στο Θεραπευτήριο «Ασκληπιός»

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